The perfect symbiosis between human clinicians and AI

Who we are

We are a deep tech company with a team of full-time physicians and renowned AI researchers. Synapsis AI is how we’re redefining the word genius for healthcare.

δ is for difference.

Dyania Health is for Dyania.

In mathematics, δ represents change or the difference.

Did you know?

It takes a medically-trained professional 30 minutes to read through an EMR

With real-world academic medical centers each having millions of patients, it would take even Howard Berg (the world’s fastest speed reader) hundreds of years to read through all those medical records.

Oh—he would also need to be medically trained. And triple board certified. And able to make instantaneous, meaningful conclusions based on what he’s read.

See the difference:


Time per EMR: 30 min
Human readers: 1

Total time to read:* 30 min

Dyania Health
Time per EMR: 0.5sec
Number of GPUs: 2

Total time to read:** 0.5 sec

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Our proprietary Synapsis AI can read an EMR in .5 seconds

That time saved is the difference between saving a life and missing the window. It’s the difference between impossible and possible. And it’s the difference between the way things have always been done and the way you’ve always known they could be.

Our focus

Who we help

  • Medical data analysis AI
  • Medical data analysis AI
  • AI for clinical data analysis
  • AI for clinical data analysis

Our mission

Our mission is to automate the manual review of patient medical histories by clinicians, enabling physicians to focus on treating patients and ensuring that patients have access to the best care and therapies available at the exact moment they need them.

The only medically specialized AI system that can automate manual chart review and abstraction.

Our AI is trained in a proprietary process like a real medical doctor.


We achieve >94% accuracy when compared to a real medical professional. The best part? Your data never leaves your facility and is processed securely on site. Simply put: There’s nothing else on the market like Synapsis AI.

Learn more


  • We install our software behind the healthcare system firewall in a closed-off environment ensuring that patient data never leaves the healthcare system. This ensures compliance with all data privacy and security regulations that a modern day health system has to adhere to such as HIPAA, HITRUST, and GDPR. The platform operates as a closed system within a health system's private network so you can have peace of mind that no data will be handled outside of your own system's compliance processes and security policies.

  • Our model is small enough to be installed within a healthcare system computing environment (on-premise or private cloud). Specific hardware requirements (inclusive of GPU) are dependent on the total patient population, number of trials/ studies/ reporting projects, and the disease areas of focus.

  • Dyania Health approved team members complete 3rd party contractor onboarding and access the sandboxed environment through VPN or access management solution of the healthcare system’s choice to ensure secure, controlled and auditable access without compromising security. We then complete a one-time deployment during which we take on all the heavy lifting and ongoing maintenance.

  • Our in-house physicians are a crucial component of every aspect of our end-to-end technology and services:

    1. Training and fine-tuning the LLM with medical cases
    2. Protocol assessment and scoping questions in collaboration with healthcare system research clinicians
    3. Deconstruction of criteria into deterministic logic for our reasoning engine
    4. Design and drafting of protocols for investigator-initiated retrospective studies
    5. Reviewing true/false positives and negatives to ensure accuracy of Synapsis AI before sending out results to our customers

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* Assuming operational and FTE costs for manual chart review of EMRs for various purposes, including registry reporting, quality assurance, and research.
** Numbers are estimates only for illustrative purposes.