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June 09, 2023

Dyania Health Synapsis AI vs ChatGPT Large Language Model (LLM) applications in Clinical Research

OpenAI’s natural language processing (NLP) tool Chat GPT has garnered increasing publicattention as one of the most well-known Large Language Models (LLMs). The health sciencesindustry remains one of the last industries to seek adoption of this new technologicaladvancement, and it is viewed with both skepticism and excitement amongst medicalprofessionals. Education is needed to debunk mediaContinue reading “Dyania Health Synapsis AI vs ChatGPT Large Language Model (LLM) applications in Clinical Research”

June 09, 2023

Dyania Health, Inc. raises $5.3M seed to advance their proprietary and physician-built natural language processing technology to drive better outcomes in clinical research.

Dyania Health’s technology de-identifies and derives clinically accurate meaning from unstructured and structured EMR-based patient data to automate manual chart review, a process commonly used in pre-screening patients for clinical trials, researching biomarkers, and running in-silico synthetic studies. Going forward, the company plans on expanding use cases to several areas throughout clinical trials and research.Continue reading “Dyania Health, Inc. raises $5.3M seed to advance their proprietary and physician-built natural language processing technology to drive better outcomes in clinical research.”

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